Perhaps we simply realize the power of collective intelligence in your life, we are certain that you have many stories to share with us.
Have fun.
NOV 2024
In alignment with the HKSAR Government's efforts to enhance the Innovation and Technology (I&T) ecosystem and enlarge I&T talent pool, the Hong Kong Academy of Engineering (HKAE) cooperated with the Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC) to establish the prestigious Hong Kong Engineering Science and Technology (HKEST) Award. HKAE comprising leaders of the Hong Kong engineering community, aspires to play a leading role in promoting the development of engineering science and technology (EST) in Hong Kong.
hkestaward.hkae.hkNOV 2024
Pitch competition draws inspiration form the prestigious Global Grand Challenges Summit (GGCS), a renowned global event co-hosted by the Chinese Academy of Engineering, the National Academy of Engineering and the Royal Academy of Engineering. This summit serves as a vital platform for global scientific and technological collaboration. Student teams from China, the US and the UK participate in a collaborative innovation competition during the GGCS Student Day.
pitchcomp.hkae.hkSEP 2024
Goodway Plastic firmly establishes a strong foothold in the plastic manufacturing over 40 years ago. Having had humble beginnings, it has exponentially matured and has now become not only a plastic supplier among World leaders, as far as innovation and latest design using the latest technological processes, but also a recognized force in providing professional and unsurpassed consultancy to help clients.
JUL 2024
OpenAI, the developer of ChatGPT, stopped providing application program interface (API) services to China, Hong Kong, and Macau on July 9, 2024. This move is seen as an escalation in the technology war between the United States and China.
MAR 2024
Originated by Nin Jiom of Beijing in the Qing Dynasty, it nourishes the lung, eliminates phlegm, relieves cough, soothes the sore throat and removes heat. It could be for relief of cough due to cold, copious cough phlegm and relieves discomfort of throat, aphonia and hoarse. It helps prevent dryness of throat resulting from late night, fatigue due to over-work, excessive smoking and drinking.
JAN 2024
The prestigious Hong Kong Engineering Science and Technology Award (“HKEST Award”) was launched in 2022 by the Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences (“HKAES”) to recognize exceptional contributions and excellence among the younger generations in Hong Kong in the field of engineering science and technology. With the continued support from the Innovation and Technology Commission, HKSAR, HKAES is organising the HKEST Award 2023 this year.
NOV 2023
Sirus Gear established in 2003 is a specialized manufacturer of all kinds of bags. We have more than 20 years’ production experience in bag industry. We have a 13,000 square meters' workshop in China and 26,000 square meters’ workshop in Cambodia.
www.sirius-gear.comOCT 2023
Founded in 1896 during the Qing dynasty under Guangxu reign, the original Li Chung Shing Tong was located at Man Ming Lane of Foshan Ancestral Temple Street.The founder Lee Shau Kee created the Po Chai Pills® which become highly popular with the local community as well as travelling merchants for its effective treatment of diarrhoea, vomiting, abdominal pain, indigestion and cold symptoms.
www.pochaipills.comJUL 2023
Sai Kung The Square Restaurant - The Back Garden of Hong Kong.
A place of reuniting people and linging up the urban and the rural areas. You'll find a casual little spot in the middle of the village. The all-day dining experience takes inspiration from it's cuisine with a local twist. The space is inspired by Sai Kung's unique landscape, coastal areas and natural scenery using textural detials, natural elements with a laid-back vibe.
www.skthesquare.comJUN 2023
JUN 2023
Kids' Creative Workshop Online Registration is Live! Let your child's creativity soar through fun and interactive virtual sessions. Don't miss out, register online via Faust International web page in Hong Kong.
register.faustworld.comMAY 2023
ー「喜」同遊是由大學教育資助委員會「研究影響基金」及香港中文大學共同撥款資助的研究計劃,目標透過教師專業培訓和家校協作,強化教師、幼兒及家長的體育素養。這計劃由香港中文大學教育學院體育運動科學系:運動教育學及身體活動評估實驗室夏秀禎教授研究團隊策劃、統籌及執行。並由以下院系和機構的教授和研究人員爲本計劃提供專業意見和指導 2023
The HKERA-APERA International Conference 2023 is an important occasion for educational researchers and practitioners to co-construct, advance and transfer knowledge about education and education-related studies in the Asia Pacific and beyond. This Conference will facilitate a stimulating and vibrant international meeting. 2023
In the spring of 2023, Yew Chung College of Early Childhood Education (YCCECE) organises the first academic conference of its kind in the academia, which focuses on both Early Childhood Education and Mengxue, intending to highlight Hong Kong’s position as a cultural hub that connects the East and the West, the past and the present. Through the exchange of views and collaboration among scholars, educators and professionals across the spectrum, YCCECE strives to forge a broad and diverse future for early childhood education, with a particular focus on the training of teachers. 2023
Under CU-SuCCeSS, a student-run coffee shop, a pioneer at CUHK, will be set up on campus. While the coffee business will be the main operation, CUHK students are invited to join a pitching competition of CU-SuCCeSS and they are expected to propose a theme with creativity and innovation with a view to creating a character for the shop. 2023
Topcat started development project of Case Management System with The Lutheran Church HK Synod. The system is a Cases Work Management System for social workers who provide assistance to people with drug-related problems from all walks of life, regardless of their gender, age, ethnicity and type of drug use. The system is a strongly secured web-based application on ASP.NET and MSSQL, it can only be accessed privately with 7x24 support, it can also generate necessary reports to Social Welfare Department. 2022
KCK Aquatics is dedicated to providing comfortable, fashionable swimwear and professional swimming equipment for athletes around the world. A high demand for comfortable swimwear spurred the foundation of this company and fuelled its expansion into other swimming-related fields.
www.kckaquatics.comOCT 2022
第6屆世界窮人日, 主題:「耶穌基督為了你們成了貧困的。」
聖保祿宗徒以這句話訓誨格林多初期的基督徒,藉此說出他們要致力與貧窮的弟兄姊妹們 精誠關懷的理由。今年的世界窮人日,如同一個溫馨提醒,再次誘發我 們反省自身的生活方式及思考現今的貧窮問題。 2022
The HKEST Award, newly introduced by the Academy with the support of the Innovation and Technology Commission, aims to recognise and commend outstanding contributions and excellence among younger generations in the HKSAR for their dedication and achievements in the arena of engineering science and technology through research, development, innovation and/or entrepreneurship. Up to six nominees will be selected to receive the Award.
hkestaward.hkaes.orgAUG 2022
JUN 2022
The Application Form for ASAPE 2022 HONG KONG.
International Symposium of the Jockey Club “Sports without Limits” Youth Empowerment Programme cum ASAPE 2022 Hong Kong.
registration.asape2022.comJUN 2022
2020年初新冠肺炎疫情來襲,經濟逆轉,按年失業率為5.8%,為2019年失業率的一倍。部分與零售、餐飲及旅遊等相關行業面臨停頓,生意一落千丈,影響所及,不少人被迫放無薪假、減薪,甚至被裁,朝不保夕。第五波疫情於2022年初爆發,各行各業再次停頓,不少人被迫放無薪假、減薪、甚至被裁,手停口停,讓不少家庭陷入即時的生活危機。 在第六輪防疫抗疫基金中,政府首次為失業者發放一次性的失業津貼,然而仍未能為失業者提供穩定的經濟支援。 2022
Revamp of official website for Department of Sports Science and Physical Education (SPE) at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. They inspire and nurture students to become competent professionals and leaders, making lifelong contributions to society in the field of sports science, physical education and physical activity. CUHK SSPE was ranked 49th in QS World University Rankings for Sports-Related Subjects 2022. 2022
The Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE), the Royal Academy of Engineering (RAE) of U.K. and the National Academy of Engineering (NAE) of U.S.A. jointly organized a biennial Global Grand Challenges Summit (GGCS) since 2013. The Summit convened inspirational world leaders with the next generation of engineers and change-makers to build creative collaborations and solve the grand challenges facing our future world of 10 billion people.
pitchcomp.hkaes.orgJAN 2022
Hong Kong Physical Education Teachers Conference (HKPETC) 2022: The HKPETC2022 conference and workshops aim to provide continuous professional development programme to PE teachers who wish to advance their careers, further development of their professional knowledge and practice, and to foster students that are able to contribute to the society in the future. 2021
很喜歡逛日本的生活雜貨,看著各種琳瑯滿目、可愛又充滿設計巧思的商品,真的非常療癒。 Fifihome幫大家整理了日本品牌的「日本生活雜貨店」,不用飛日本也能逛,想找日系雜貨小物就請過來這裡!
www.fifihome.hkAUG 2021
Data World Computer and Communication Ltd (Data World C&C) is a leading technology services, IT business management and solutions company. With our supreme experience across Hong Kong and Greater China Region, extensive skill-sets and solutions covering across different industries, Data World C&C’s mission is to empower customers' business growth through perpetual advancement of quality solutions and services.
AUG 2021
Centre For Sports and Exercise of the University of Hong Kong, created an online registration form for signing up and maintain attendance on three fitness centres. All centres have multiple sessions per day with quota control, good for management of usage records.
fcbooking.cse.hku.hkJUL 2021
Galax Solutions Limited is a one-stop IT solutions provider specialized in Microsoft solutions ranging from NAV, Dynamics 365 (ERP and CRM), Microsoft 365 to Artificial Intelligence, Azure and Power Platform solutions and various vertical solutions such as Property Management, Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and Big Data Analysis.
JUL 2021
The HKERA-APERA International Conference 2021 is an important occasion for educational researchers and practitioners in the Asia Pacific and beyond. Through the online platform, this conference will facilitate a borderless, stimulating and vibrant international meeting. It provides the opportunity for researchers, scholars, early career colleagues, educators, policymakers, practitioners, and research students.
www.hkera-apera2021.comJUN 2021
Topwell Group Limited is an individually-run enterprise. The enterprise covers the area of 15 thousand square meters, with 10 thousand square meters as the factory building. The company owns the well-furnished mechanical equipment, human-based scientific management and a professional technical team. Within the manufacturing department, several specialized workshops are set such as the mode workshop, the pressing workshop, the grinding workshop, the polishing workshop, composing workshop, and packing workshop.
www.topwell-group.comMAY 2021
IBM announced a breakthrough in integrated circuit design: the world's first 2 nanometer process. IBM says its new process can produce CPUs capable of either 45 percent higher performance or 75 percent lower energy use than modern 7 nm designs.
APR 2021
Max Lux began in 1989 with one entrepreneurial spirit, an innovative product idea, a small Colorado cabin, and enough passion to lay the foundation of who we are today. CEO and Founder Ben continues to helm the Max Lux ship, instilling his energy, inventor-driven creativity, and attention to detail into every aspect of our company. Over the past 30 years, Max Lux has grown from a cabin-based startup to distributing 500+ products worldwide.
www.maxlux-lighting.comAPR 2021
Po Lai Kam Transfer Factory (International) Limited have imported new machineries for their factory, and their skillful technicians develop different printing techniques, which able them to produce high quality heat transfer prints. Their products reach the quality standard of most famous international brands and they are welcomed any custom designs. Their products are widely used for garments, caps, socks, and handbags etc.
www.polaikam.comMAR 2021
Blado is a qualified manufacturer specializing in quartz and radio controlled movement and clock in Hong Kong. For last two decades, They have pride of offering tailor made service to our customers consistently. They offer a wide range of clock movements to our existing and potential customers. Until 2006, we have had over 300 customers located in six continents. Our movement series includes radio controlled wall clock and table alarm clock movement, step and sweep quartz table alarm clock, wall clock movement.
www.bladohk.comMAR 2021
Dr. Tang Hon Ming Dental Surgeon (鄧漢明牙科醫生診所) was established in 1989 and our current address is Shop U, Ground Floor, Tuen Mun Fa Yuen, Tsing Hoi Circuit, Tuen Mun, NT. We have licensed dentists and hygienists, equipped with professional equipments that meets international quality standards to support dental treatment and care, and provide dental beauty services. We hope to bring you affordable and reliable dental services.
dr.tanghonming.comFEB 2021
VASON is a company that combines tradition and technology (insect pest treatment) and (space atomization disinfection). Traditional rich experience gives us valuable knowledge to solve ever-changing insect pests. Modern technology can more effectively improve the effect of pest control and disinfection, and it is directly environmentally friendly.
JAN 2021
Vida Loca is newly formed product line by Yuk Yat Garment Factory which was established in 1977. They design, produce, export and wholesale ladies, men's and kids' swimwear. Since they have design and wholesale experience, all of which products are mainly wholesale in the Asia Pacific Market. Besides offering a diversity of best selling products and innovative designs from their collection, they could also tailor made custom design according to customer's specification including measurement, artwork, materials, and workmanship. The tailor made swim wear products are mainly exported to Australia, Europe and the United States.
www.yukyatgarments.comJAN 2021
Signal Messenger is open source and its complete source code for the Signal clients and the Signal server is available on GitHub. This enables interested parties to examine the code for security and correctness. The team at Signal Messenger is committed to the mission of developing open source privacy technology that protects free expression and enables secure global communication.
Signal does not sell, rent or monetize your personal data or content in any way!
DEC 2020
K.C. Fok & Company is a Certified Public Accountants firm which has been established in Hong Kong and Macao since 1997. The area of businesses area cover Hong Kong, Macao and part of Guangdong Province (generally called Greater Bay Area). In more than twenty years, They have provided cross border professional service, including auditing, taxation, accounting, company secretary and related services to clients. 2020
The Chinese University of Hong Kong Employees' Credit Union is a legal organization organized by employees of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and it is officially registered and operated with the Registrar of Credit Unions of Hong Kong in accordance with Article 119 of the Hong Kong Credit Union Ordinance. The purpose is to encourage members to develop good savings habits and learn how to manage their own finances for the future. In addition, the organization also sets up various low-interest loans to members for helping improvement of their lives.
www.cuecu.hkNOV 2020
The University of Hong Kong supports community sports participation and prepares to allow external organizations or schools to make booking at HKU sports facilities especially during Non-peak hour on weekdays. Occasionally, HKU will allow organization to run major events at peak hour. The income generated will be used to support the facilities operation as well as its future development.
externalbooking.cse.hku.hkSEP 2020
Microsoft Announced its Open License program which was created over 20 years ago for small and midsized customers to buy multiple perpetual software licenses at a volume price. Microsoft is taking a significant step to simplify licensing by introducing perpetual software license purchases through the new commerce experience. As of January 1, 2022, commercial customers won’t be able to buy new or renew software licenses or online services through the Microsoft Open License program. New license-only purchases should be transacted through partners in the Cloud Solution Provider program.
SEP 2020
To enhance the teaching and learning performance, the Sport Education (SE) curriculum will be further introduced to more lecturers to disseminate the most effective method to teach sports in university PE settings. Through re-designing the curriculum and instructional model with SE, this innovative student-oriented pedagogy will let students gradually increase their responsibility for learning during lessons. This responsibility has been associated with greater development of physical literacy. 2020
In order to strengthen the development of physical literacy’s concepts, implementation programmes and assessment works in the Greater China Region, Chinese researchers from Mainland China, Taiwan, Macau and Hong Kong (including their postgraduate students) will be invited to participate in the symposium. Roundtable colloquium/public lectures/workshops/school visit will also be organized for the researcher-participants. 2020
The Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC) of Hong Kong has launched the Distance Business (D-Biz) Programme to support SME and Enterprises to continue their business and services during the epidemic, the Programme provides funding support through fast-track processing for enterprises to adopt IT solutions for developing distance business. 2020
Launch of CUHK Education Journal serves as a bridge for academic exchange between Chinese and international academics and researchers. It publishes articles that attempt to analyze or synthesize educational theories, processes and systems from different viewpoints and approaches. 2020
World’s Largest Long-Haul Airline to Halt All Flights: The world is facing a huge challenge to prevent the spread of New Coronavirus (COVID-19) while enabling the global economy to continue functioning. Airlines are on the front line of that challenge and it’s essential that the regulatory community work with us to ensure airlines are able to operate in the most sustainable manner, both economically and environmentally, to alleviate the worst impacts of the crisis.
FEB 2020
Symptoms of the New Coronavirus COVID-19 include fever, cough and difficulty breathing, according to the CDC. It's estimated that symptoms may appear as soon as two days or as long as 14 days on average after exposure, people show symptoms about five days after they are infected. There are no specific treatments for Coronavirus infections and most people will recover on their own, according to the CDC. If you are mildly sick, you should drink a lot of fluids and rest but if you are worried about your symptoms, you should see a healthcare provider.
JAN 2020
Microsoft made a commitment to provide 10 years of product support for Windows 7 when it was released on October 22, 2009. When this 10-year period ends, the specific end of support day for Windows 7 will be January 14, 2020. After that, technical assistance and software updates from Windows Update that help protect your PC will no longer be available for the product. Microsoft strongly recommends that you move to Windows 10 sometime before January 2020 to avoid a situation where you need service or support that is no longer available.

DEC 2019
Topcat started development project of Case Management System with Caritas HEAT (Human Empowerment & Achievement Training, Caritas Family Service) 明愛全人發展培訓中心,乃明愛家庭服務於2002年成立之非政府資助專業服務單位。 中心團隊成員本著『以愛服務‧締造希望』的明愛精神,提供專業而優質的服務,並懷著愛心和信心促進個人、家庭及社群發揮潛能,從而達致全人發展的使命。
NOV 2019
Topcat started development project of Case Management System with Caritas Kindergartens. The system is a Cases Work Management System for social workers who has the objective of cultivating the full development of children regardless of their social background. The system is a strongly secured web-based application on ASP.NET and MSSQL, it can only be accessed privately with 7x24 support, it can also generate necessary reports to Social Welfare Department.
SEP 2019
The Centre for Sports and Exercise, The University of Hong Kong (CSE) offers non-academic sport and recreation programmes, health and fitness and competitive sport programmes. The Centre employs qualified staff to manage the University's sports facilities and promote physical activity through Sport and Recreation Programmes called Uni-Sports and Uni-Adventure. These programmes are offered during Semesters I and II and during the summer months. The programmes aim to provide opportunities to participate in leisure-time activities and to develop life-long physical activity skills.
www.cse.hku.hkAUG 2019
Chap Hing is a food company based in Hong Kong, specialized in importing and distributing frozen meat and seafood products to businesses. We have a team of experts who understands the right products, sizes and cuts for your business needs. With Chap Hing, rest assured that you have the right products for your business!
www.chaphing.comAUG 2019
The 2020 AIESEP International Conference will be hosted by The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). CUHK is a forward-looking comprehensive research university with a global vision and a mission to combine tradition with modernity, and to bring together China and the West.
aiesep (demo website)JUL 2019
Singaling's Restaurant believes their restaurant consistently provide everyone with impeccable service by demonstrating warmth, graciousness, efficiency, knowledge, professionalism. If you look for remarkable food and beverage, Singaling's is definitely your expectation.
If anyone wish to enjoy freshest ingredients and flavors on the friendly environment, here is their website demo.
singalings (demo website)APR 2019
A catastrophic fire engulfed Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris on 16 April 2018, altering the city's skyline and threatening a potent symbol of Catholicism at the start of Holy Week.
The fire burned for several hours, destroying the 850-year-old cathedral's iconic spire and roof before firefighters contained the blaze early Tuesday morning.
"It's awful to see such a symbol disappearing in front of you. It's been there for so many years and in a few minutes half of it disappeared ... crazy."
MAR 2019
PIPS is an international kindergarten with two locations offering the IB Primary Years Programme (PYP), one in Kowloon and one on Hong Kong Island. Their campuses cater to children aged 1 to 6. Our highly qualified teachers have extensive experience in early childhood education and strive to create a safe, nurturing, and engaging environment to develop internationally minded children. 2019
Seabo is a leading Hong Kong-based company with over 30 years of international reputation in the seafood industry. They import and distribute quality wild and farmed frozen seafood products from around the globe. If anyone need some fresh, high quality seafood, Seabo is your definite choice because they source from the origin.
www.seabo.coJAN 2019
Active Health Clinic for University of Hong Kong promotes healthy and active lifestyles through proactive screening, assessments, education, and tailor-made health and fitness programmes. The website also consists of Online Application Form to simplify enrollment procedure on wide-range of fun and enjoyable sports activities for kids from 18 months to 16 years old including soccer, tennis, basketball, golf and sports climbing etc.
Activehealthclinic (demo website)NOV 2018
Official launch of new website for Active Healthy Kids Hong Kong, it consists of researchers and practitioners in the area of physical activity and health who have collaborated with stakeholders to produce Hong Kong’s Report Cards on physical activity for children and youth. 2018
Learn to Ignite the Fun that you Embrace in Learning... Very energetic and elegent company
Children get to play, socialize, have fun and learn capital letters and numbers in this programme. Gross motor skills and fine motor skills will be refined through various fun-filled activities.
www.decoders-ls.comNOV 2018
The event, which takes places on Nov. 11, is Alibaba's day of massive sales across all of its platforms and has been compared to Black Friday in the United States. Widely known as "Singles Day 光棍節", the event is also known as the 11:11 shopping festival because of the date it takes place.
OCT 2018
Test of Proficiency in Korea 2019 Schedule is announced, look into clear objective and set direction for learning Korean for non-native Korean speakers and overseas Koreans, and measure and evaluate their Korean language skills and utilize the results for in-Korea colleges and job-seeking in future.
www.topik-hk.orgSEP 2018
HKMA has launched the Faster Payment System (FPS) on 17 September 2018. Both banks and stored value facilities (“SVF”) in Hong Kong may participate in the FPS. It enables their customers to make cross-bank/SVF payments easily, by entering the mobile phone number or the email address of the recipient, with funds available to the recipient almost immediately. The FPS operates on 24x7 basis and supports payments in the HKD and the RMB.
SEP 2018
PILC Official Announced new website for the Promotion Association for the Global Youth Innovation Leaders Community. Introduced a competition of startups and business ideas from all of graduates within 5 years including (college graduates, masters, doctors and MBA). Deadline of application is September 10th . Final Award to be held at mid-Oct at Xiamen University with Vice Premier for Education at site.
APR 2018
Topcat started work with Caritas Lok Heep Club on the development of Project of CW system. The system is a Cases Work System for social workers who provide assistance to people with drug-related problems from all walks of life, regardless of their gender, age, ethnicity and type of drug use. The system is a strongly secured web-based application on ASP.NET and MSSQL, it can only be accessed privately with 7x24 support, it can also generate necessary reports to Social Welfare Department.
DEC 2017
Buy Natural Offical Website is announced, start from now, we can enjoy natural Nutrition Food and Drink, and use the famous products of Spa & Beauty. There are good choices of products with attractive Gift Voucher available on website. Everything in Natural is Beautiful.
buynatural (demo website)DEC 2017
Launch of new official website for the Hong Kong Institute of Educational Research (HKIER) at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. The HKIER was established in 1993 with the aim of facilitating research and development efforts in education. It is a close partner of the Faculty of Education with an significant role in creating an environment conducive to educational studies and free scholarly inquiry for the development of education in Hong Kong. 2017
Parkview Rhine Garden Preschool and Parkview Rhine Garden International Nursery started in 1994 and is a pre-school which is diverse and dynamic. The Rhine Garden School is comprised of two campuses, which are located on the podium of Rhine Garden, Sham Tseng, in Tower One and Tower Five respectively. In September, 2007, Parkview-Rhine Garden Preschool (for 3-6 years old children) was transformed into a non-profit making school, where parents can enjoy the Pre-primary Education Voucher Scheme (PEVS) offered by EDB. 2017
SZHKIPMA, 深港專業管理學會 - 學會宗旨: 恪守明確的專業管理操守和道德信念; 遵循可持續發展為原則,與時並進; 重視業務相關人士的意見及利益,透過有效管理人力資源來推動業界發展,以達至積極貢獻社會的非牟利機構。
www.szhkipma.comSEP 2017
KidsFest is an exciting Festival for the whole family. Characters from well-loved books are brought to life and the stories presented vividly on stage. It’s a wonderful platform for family interaction and at the same time, nurtures a child’s interest in literature and language. KidsFest has become a key event on Hong Kong’s calendar of cultural events when families can look forward to a series of world-class productions. 2017
From its very beginning, Korean International School (KIS) was served by Korean community representatives led by Chairman of Korean Residents’ Association serving concurrently as Chairman of Board of Directors of KIS, and this unbroken chain of service has been crucial in supporting KIS over the years to what we are today. 2017
TREE YOGA, 樹瑜伽(香港)有限公司,前身為琳達瑜伽普拉提會所。成立於2012年。Tree yoga自成立以來,致力推廣慈善事業,定期捐善款往香港黃大仙嗇色園醫療慈善基金、香港普門寺等慈善團體。定期開設慈善瑜伽課程,收入所得均捐往慈善團體,幫助社會各階層有需要人士。每個月舉辦免費試堂活動,為各界人士提供免費體驗瑜伽運動機會,提醒注重個人健康,推廣瑜伽文化。 2017
Launch of official website for Department of Sports Science and Physical Education (SPE) at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. SPE is strongly committed to excellence in teacher education and sports science research. Their goal is to provide the best academic training programmes in the region, it is achieved by providing diverse learning experiences under the supervision of dedicated and experienced educators.
FEB 2017
Harry Wright International Ltd, launch of Official Website and Online Application Form, it simplifed the procedure for apply lessons online with payment. Harry Wright International is the Premier Swim School in Hong Kong and has been offering a successful program of swimming lessons and training for children, from professional swimming instructors and coaches.
Official website:
Official Enrolment:
AUG 2016
Faust International Ltd was formed in 1999 and aims to bring the wonderful world of theatre, performing arts and creativity to the young people of Hong Kong. Our aim is to provide challenging and creative workshops that engage our students in the world of theatre and performing arts using Faust’s Learning Outcomes (FLO) as the basis for our work.
www.faustworld.comJUN 2016
ABA Productions is an international theatre production company dedicated to creating and promoting a wide variety of performance styles from all corners of the world. Recent productions have included Horrible Histories Awful Egyptians, Cirque Mechanics’ Birdhouse Factory, Private Peaceful, The Snow Dragon, Insane in the Brain, The Gruffalo, Showstopper!
www.aba-productions.comJUN 2016
Brexit is the popular term for the United Kingdom's prospective withdrawal from the European Union. In a referendum on 23 June 2016, 51.9% voted to leave the EU.
AUG 2015
Centre for Sports and Exercise, The University of Hong Kong (HKU CSE) official started development work of Online Application Form website, the purpose is to automate application procedure from paper format into full electronic process, with simple online payment gateway. Now it is in another stage to save time, improve accuracy, and able to allow CSE application in full day 24x7.
online.cse.hku.hkJUN 2015
Jun 2015, Topcat started the project of Phase 2 development of CFS system for Caritas Integrated Family Services. This is an and MSSQL web-based application for providing automation with enhancing support to various Caritas centres in Hong Kong, the program can improve efficiency and effectiveness on daily operations.
Topcat started Caritas Phase 1 Project of CFS system in Dec 2011.
JAN 2015
服務對象: 勞委會對「勞工」二字是採取廣義的理解,即是所有受薪的職工,包括教友及其他信仰或無信仰人士。整體來說,秉承教會「優先關愛貧窮人」的精神,我們服務的優先對象主要是基層工人。 2014
Shin Tai Ho is an international food and beverage distributor in Hong Kong. We are now supplying wide-ranging products from Asia, North America and Europe to supermarkets, restaurants, hotels and other institutions, and cruise ships.
Shin Tai Ho is dedicated to offering a wide variety of high-quality products to satisfy the needs of consumers.
www.shintaiho.hkNOV 2013
Launching of Sejong Korean Website, a Hong Kong based Korean language learning centre offering easy yet effective learning courses for all levels. Our experienced native Korean teachers will provide a steady and strong foundation to new learners, and help improve all-round understanding of not just the language but also the culture of Korea.
DEC 2012
HTML5 W3C published today the complete definition of the HTML5 and Canvas 2D specifications. Though not yet W3C standards, these specifications are now feature complete, meaning businesses and developers have a stable target for implementation and planning. "As of today, businesses know what they can rely on for HTML5 in the coming years, and what their customers will demand," said Jeff Jaffe, W3C CEO. HTML5 is the cornerstone of the Open Web Platform, a full programming environment for cross-platform applications with access to device capabilities; video and animations; graphics; style, typography, and other tools for digital publishing; extensive network capabilities.
DEC 2011
Topcat started work with Caritas Integrated Family Services on the development of Project of CFS system. The system is a Cases Management System for social workers who provide assistance to individuals and families through a variety of programmes. The system is a strongly secured web-based application on ASP.NET and MSSQL, it can only be accessed privately with 7x24 support, it can also generate necessary reports to Social Welfare Department.
MAR 2011
On March 11, 2011, Japan was struck by the shockwaves of a 9.0 magnitude undersea earthquake originating less than 50 miles off its eastern coastline. The most powerful earthquake to have hit Japan in recorded history, it produced a devastating tsunami with waves reaching heights of over 130 feet that in turn caused an unprecedented multireactor meltdown at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. This triple catastrophe claimed almost 20,000 lives, destroyed whole towns, and will ultimately cost hundreds of billions of dollars for reconstruction.
DEC 2010
In December 2010, revamping of website for ESF Educational Services Ltd. ESF has provided English language and sports programmes in ESF schools and non ESF venues, it is an organisation that runs 22 educational institutions, most of which are international schools, in Hong Kong.
SEP 2008
Android is a mobile operating system developed by Google, initially developed by Android Inc., which Google bought in 2005, Android was unveiled in 2007, with the first commercial Android device launched in September 2008. It is based on a modified version of the Linux kernel and other open source software, and is designed primarily for touchscreen mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets.
AUG 2008
Beijing was elected as the host city for the 2008 Summer Olympics. The Chinese government renovated and constructed six venues outside Beijing as well as 59 training centres. They demontrated great success on largest structures such as Stadiums and Aquatics Centre.
JUN 2007
The iPhone is the first smartphone model designed and marketed by Apple Inc. It is the first generation of iPhone that was introduced in the United States on June 29, 2007. It is a "revolutionary mobile phone"; and a "breakthrough Internet communicator.
JAN 2006
Sony Blu-ray is first announced and introduced at the 2006 CES on January 4, 2006. Blu-ray or Blu-ray Disc is a digital optical disc data storage format. It was designed to supersede the DVD format, and is capable of storing several hours of video in high-definition and ultra high-definition resolution.
APR 2005
Age of starting Multi-cores Processor is arrived, AMD introduces dual core technology for their Opteron line of processors.
APR 2004
Google announces Gmail on April 1, 2004. Many people take it as an April Fools joke. Google's initial public offering (IPO) of 19,605,052 shares becomes available at $85 a share August 18, 2004.
FEB 2003
Feb 21, 2003, a mainland Chinese doctor checked into a room on the ninth floor of Kowloon’s Metropole Hotel. He had already developed symptoms of pneumonia, but did not seek treatment until the next day at a nearby hospital.
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) reached Hong Kong in March 2003. The outbreak in Hong Kong eventually infected 1755 people, 299 died of the disease.
JUL 2002
The immediate considerations behind the invasion of Iraq were characterized by concerns brought to the forefront by the events of September 11th 2001, namely global terrorism, and more importantly, the weapons at its disposal in a new era of transnational asymmetrical war waged by non-state actors.
However, the unofficial reasons why the US led the Invasion of Iraq in 2003 are equally important. The main unofficial consideration was that removing Saddam Hussein would be a demonstration of US military might against a visible enemy, and Iraq has the world’s second largest reserves of oil can also not be overlooked.
SEP 2001
At the World Trade Center in Lower Manhattan, 2,753 people were killed when hijacked American Airlines Flight 11 and United Airlines Flight 175 were intentionally crashed into the north and south towers, or as a result of the crashes. Of those who perished during the initial attacks and the subsequent collapses of the towers, 343 were New York City firefighters, 23 were New York City police officers and 37 were officers at the Port Authority. The victims ranged in age from 2 to 85, approximately 75-80% of the victims were men. (Wiki 911)
911 videoYear 2000
Foundation of Topcat Networks Limited in year 2000 and the official office is launched in Jan 2001. We focus on working satisfaction, experience sharing and team spirit.
We wish your dreams come true! We wish the world can be changed and become a better place for all.